3 Ways To Get Ready For Love

"Love is a vibration… it’s energetic, infectious and contagious"

One of the things I found really difficult when I first broke up with my husband back in 2010 was realising that I had to do so much of the parenting on my own. I had never wanted to be a single parent, and it was a huge adjustment to my identity.I didn't even think of looking for outside support and for many years I struggled on my own. Yes, I was fortunate I had an amazing family and lots of support from them, but unbelievably I was the only single parent in my both of my children's class groups, I often felt left out of social gatherings as a result.No one wants the hot single mum around their partners!!!There are lots of great support groups, meet ups for single parents these days, and one app that I absolutely recommend is Frolo.  Last week I hosted a virtual meetup for one of their groups, we had a Q&A session on dating and relationships after divorce.  You can check this out here.I have also written a blog for their website, called 3 Things You Must Do To Get Ready For Love. Do take a read.  If you are a single parent then download their app, and join a wonderful community of likeminded people.One of the best things you can do to get ready for love is to let go of past relationships and clear any inner blocks.  If you are interested in working with me and having some relationship coaching, then do drop me a line on my contact form.With loveMaxine xxx


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