Eat Love Do - Women's Radio Station

Love Yourself Enough & Release Past Relationship Pain

It is always a pleasure to be invited to speak on radio, it's something I love to do and I was fortunate enough to be invited to chat with Janine Newberry on Women's Radio Station for her Eat, Love Do show.

It was such a real conversation with lots of laughter!

Janine was a wonderful host and in this conversation we went deep, sharing personal stories about how to change lifelong patterns of people-pleasing and feeling lost to empowered and happy.

We also spoke about how it is often our younger self/inner child that gets triggered in relationships and that life is happening for us to evolve and step into our embodied adult selves.

During this conversation I was reminded of how far I have come since training as a psychotherapist in 1996, moving on and through both my divorces, being a single parent to my children, and finding love again at 50.

So often we overlook the lessons we have learned and how much we have grown. I encourage you to self-reflect... take a moment and journal on the following:-

Journal Prompts:

What challenges have you overcome?

What did you learn about yourself, others, and life?

How have those challenges shaped you?

What did you have to let go of or learn to accept?

How did you transform?

Grab yourself a coffee or a cup of tea and check the interview out here on SoundCloud.


Why this life lesson is so painful


Affair Crisis - Two Types of Questions