So when I was scrolling through facebook one evening this week, alone in my bed...single girl and all that!!! I came across a post from one of my girlfriends by the lovely John Wineland (Confession: I'm his new number one fan) about what men are craving... The video was in response to the many articles written by women on the consciousness website Elephant Journal, asking for men to be present in our relationships, for men to be fearless and bold in their love for us and for men to listen to what we want from them.

Let's face it, if you're a conscious woman, you want a conscious man.

Conscious women around the planet have been calling out to men for some time now and I know I speak for many of us when I say, I am delighted John and the men he represents have heard us and responded to our call. John's response truly warmed my heart and opened me up to a new understanding and appreciation of men. The challenges they face and how they too, are desiring to be understood and to delve into new depths of relationship and relating.  To relating in ways that honour their women and themselves.

Men and women want to experience acceptance, deep love, intimacy and hot sex (all day, every day) !!!  I hear you, John, that men love "range". We love range too, we love that we are sexy, playful, sensual and captivating.  We love how our feminine presence and movement can "de-purpose" you and open you up to a whole new day.  We love and appreciate you for allowing us to be feminine.

We hear you... we want to surrender to our men.  To be vulnerable, to trust you and to let you lead us. We too recognise our challenge with this.

We know the challenge and struggle we have with this is because we've been hurt, let down & betrayed. We also know as conscious women that we've created relationships to heal the "unconscious wound" of childhood and that at some deep level, we're both here, men and women to heal each other. We also know it takes a huge amount of courage to let the past go and to begin again AND that is why I love this conversation. I love this

I love this video, because men and women are powerful, we're both powerful creators. It's men and women that hold the essence of pro-creation, the miracle of life and birth... AND I love how you ask the question...

"What do you want to create with us?" and you finish it with the statement.."Because we want to create with you?"Let's start a new conversation, a conversation with each other based on acceptance, love and deep appreciation.To my readers, I really hope you enjoyed John's video,  I am going to be sharing a series of video posts and tips on creating conscious relationships in the coming weeks.With much love

Maxine page sign off


Kiss The Single Life Goodbye


Cheating: it's not about the sex