Kiss The Single Life Goodbye


New Year's Eve 2017.... who will you be kissing?

Yes, I know, I've been there, it's midnight and you have no one to kiss... all the couples in the room are finding each other, hugging, smooching and more than ever you feel alone and single.... well enough is's time to shake it all up and move on... "the past does not equal the future, unless you live there"...Tony Robbins said that.Did you say to yourself on January 1st, "That's it, I am going to find love this year?" if you did, then I'm here to help...In fact, my number one intention for 2017 is to help 10,000 people have a transformation in love.What do I mean by that?  I want the people I work with to have a deep awakening to the love within themselves and in their ability to create sustainable loving relationships with others.  My message is simple, it's all about happy healthy love, if you don't have that for yourself, it will be impossible to have with another.So what is happy healthy love and how do you create it?  For me, happy healthy love is about living as your highest, truest expression of love in the world. It's an expansive way of being. Where you are not only loving your mate or your family. It's about being present to the deep source of love that's within you and allowing that love to be expressed outwardly in what you do, how you spend your time and how you show up in the world, it's a way of relating to yourself and others.  When happy healthy love is your north star it allows you to navigate your relationships from a higher perspective. It opens you up to a whole new way of being. One that's deeply rewarding and fulfilling.Unfortunately, many people fall into negative and dysfunctional relationship patterns that keep them feeling disempowered, sad and disillusioned that love will ever be different.  With happy healthy love, you are first and foremost developing a relationship with yourself based on an understanding of your feelings and needs, your ability to self-soothe, to respect and honour yourself. Having healthy boundaries, telling the truth and taking responsibility for your actions and behaviours. When you do this for yourself and live your life from this place, guess what?  You begin to attract people, events and situations in alignment with your truth.

Happy healthy love is about being in a conscious loving relationship with yourself and your partner.

Love is such a powerful force however it's so easy when we finally do fall in love for our patterns to get triggered and for the relationship to bring up our insecurities,  past wounds, fears and hurts. When you are firmly anchored in a healthy loving relationship with yourself, it gives you a strong foundation to work from in your relationships with others.So if it's your intention to kiss goodbye to being single in 2017, then contact me now to find out about Calling In The One Coaching and how to create happy healthy love...Here's to your transformation in love in 2017!With loveMaxine page sign off       


Debunking The Myth “I fell out of love”
